Antarctic Ocean

Antarctic Ocean – Don’t Watch

If you’ve played Mario 64, you’ve seen Antarctic Ocean and then some. This is a “Gallery App” for GearVR which means it is part of a wider array of apps and videos that are available to watch on the Gear but are “less-filtered” as Oculus describes them and therefore often of lower quality, though there are a few exceptions.

In this experience, the viewer is taken through a rendered 360 environment, but the low quality imagery prevents the user from obtaining any kind of accurate feel of scale. The narration is hard to listen to and potentially inaccurate. The squid is described as being, “man-eating,” but I believe there are a grand total of zero verified reports of a squid eating a human being.

I don’t know why stuff like this gets made. It’s a clear DON’T WATCH. The only exception would be as a harmless video for children.